Sunday, June 28, 2009


Last Wednesday night, the Bryan Caporicci Spring Photography Class went out to downtown St. Catharines to do some more shooting. This is Alex. She was super cool! It couldn't have been easy with 15 cameras on her for 3 hours!
Anyway, here's a couple shots that I really liked, enjoy!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Chrissy and Steve

On Wednesday night, us kids of the Bryan Caporicci Spring Photography Class, went out for a super duper photoshoot with some models. I have to say, concidering i'm so new with all this, I was pretty nervous. Here are a few of the images I took Wednesday night. Looking back at these now however, is where I pick up some mistakes I made, and figure out how to correct them for next time!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rebecca and Kevin

On Sunday evening, I went out to Webster's Falls with Rebecca and Kevin. Rebecca's usually the one behind the camera, so when she asked me to take some pictures of her and her beau, I was more than happy to help!